Recommended Resources and Links to Other Sites      

  • A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling. A web guide to interesting, useful sites and articles about

  • A general directory with many homeschool resources. Go to Education, K-12, Homeschooling and you will find numerous headings including curriculum and location. Check out organizations in your state! Reference Directory

  • Bailey's Homeschool Products. Peruse the items by grade level, subject or product type, including Biblically based books, science sets, games, curriculums and

  • Christian Soup. Besides offering a variety of products of interest to Christian homeschoolers, this site also has an online version of Noah Webster's 1828 edition of The American Dictionary of the English Language. Each definition is followed by a list of all the other definitions that use that word. AWESOME!

  • Creative Kids on the Move. Fun ideas to get your children MOVING!! Enhance learning, fitness, body awareness, confidence, etc.

  • Homeschooling Today. This is one of the most respected homeschool magazines available. Their website has many valuable articles, links, and resources as well. You can also register for a free Homeschooling Helper e-Newsletter. Get monthly tips and encouragement free.

  • National Center for Constitutional Studies. Offers superior books and resources for learning about the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, the writing of the Constitution, the principles of freedom, etc. We highly recommend The Miracle of America and The Five-Thousand Year Leap! Click here to learn more.

  • Oklahoma Homeschool. Besides featuring information of particular interest to home schoolers in Oklahoma (such as Oklahoma state history), this site offers excellent information about homeschooling in general, including some great curriculum products. Check it out!

  • Restoring America Project . Designed to reach young Americans and help them discover the core values on which this nation was founded, this American history site has been developed especially for junior and senior high school students.

  • Top Reference . This is a comprehensive, human-edited reference web directory with over 35,000 sites!

Book Reviews     

God’s Mighty Hand by Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler, published by Mantle Ministries Press, 228 Still Ridge Bulverde, Texas 78163. This wonderful book is filled with memorable stories that illustrate providential occurrences in world history. The accounts are arranged chronologically, beginning with the story of David and Goliath and continuing to the most recent decade. There are many examples of how God intervenes in the lives of individuals as well as in the histories of nations. It was thrilling to find some well known stories, some of which I have been trying to locate for years. Equally interesting were many unfamiliar accounts of how, over the centuries, God’s power and protection have influenced the outcome of history in times of both war and peace. Excellent for junior high and high school. Younger children will enjoy having the stories told or read to them. Available from Wholesome Books, 434 Wheatridge Rd., Stansbury Park, UT 84074 (435) 833-9797

This page is book and video reviews as well as for YOUR input.
As a visitor to our web site we invite you to submit your recommendations to our list of resources. What videos, books, or other teaching materials have YOU found to be especially helpful in teaching history to YOUR children? Email us and let us know so we can add your favorite sources to our list. Please give title, author or actors, general subject or time period, and age level(s).

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